Sunday, April 08, 2012

Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone! Hope you all have a great day!
We will just be here in QZ, enjoying the warm day, and Jer will BBQ a steak for dinner for the 2 of us.
I am recuperating from bronchitis right now. Caught a nasty bug on the plane from Detroit to Phx on 3-28 which turned into bronchitis. On Fri 4-6 Jer took me to the ER/triage in Parker, as I couldn't stop coughing for hrs. Of course, you know this trip happened in the wee hrs of the morning per law of averages, right? The Dr took a chest x-ray, exam etc and decided it was bronchitis I was suffering from! So, I had a breathing treatment which relaxed the tight chest congestion, and prescriptions for a strong antibiotic and prescription cough syrup. Today I am feeling 10 times better especially since the coughing spells have been reduced. All my chores are still waiting patiently for me to get to them, and hopefully I can soon do that!
Yes, a trip to MI was mentioned above---from Fri 3-23 to Wed 3-28 I was in Northville, MI visiting my son and family. Had a great time and wonderful to see them again, especially after their move to MI in Jan, 2012. Tried my best to spoil the 2 g/sons, who are 1 yr and 3 yrs old. The older boy didn't want Gma Pat to go home! Wish we lived closer so we could visit more often.
We are still in QZ until around May 5th. I have Dr appts scheduled in April and a pacemaker check on May 3rd so will leave anytime after that. Don't know if we will see the saguaro cactus bloom this season or not. Some of the other cacti are blooming now, like the ocotillo, some cholla, always have beautiful blooms and nasty thorns.
Weather is warming up to the 80's now but nights are still cool. Should be in the 90's by now though. Should not complain as could be in an area with rain and cold temps,
Better go for now, get more coffee and who knows what trouble I could cause!!

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