Monday, July 13, 2009

Here I am again

I am here and posting--imagine that!!!
Weather is going to be real hot again--106 later this week. It will be 102 on Sat. when David Williams's Celebration of Life is held. Course, Sharon and Noel will be used to the heat but probably not Cindy and Mel, coming from CO. Oh well, the Elks will be air conditioned so the heat won't be too bad.
Nothing much exciting happening--today Jer picked a mess of fresh green beans. Had some with dinner and think I will freeze the rest to have later. We don't want to get sick of green beans!!!! Waiting for the corn on the cob and tomatoes to mature--mmmm yummy stuff!
If there is an abundance of tomatoes, I will make salsa --always good--and bring some to my friend, Anne.
That's about it for today but at least I am living up to my promise--so far--lol.

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