Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Where did the SUN go?

Been cool, cloudy and rainy here now since last Thurs and we are wishing for "sunshine, lollipops and roses" here! Well, just sunshine and 80 deg. would be nice then.

Memorial Day weekend was awful, weather-wise. I don't know why I expected differently as it is usually cold and rainy over that holiday. We didn't do much but hang out at our house.

Today we had some decorative landscaping done through our neighbor who does landscaping curbing. The front and back yard are defined now with a soft curvy border and it looks so finished off now and I have room for more flowers too!!! There can never be enough flowers!
Just have to let the concrete cure out for a few days and then I can plant new flowers!

I am going to post a pic of Jer and Taffy taking it easy over the weekend.

Guess this is about it for now so you all have fun and be safe.

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